I created a button as a main component and added left and right to the constraints. When I used the button I was not able to change the constraints anymore and the predefined left and right… was not working. Any advice what I’m doing wrong or is this an issue?
Can you show an example? If you are trying to change constraints inside of a component instance — that’s not possible, they are inherited from the main component.
Thanks for your help. I changed it in the main component… but the left and right is not working when i resize the frame… only if I detach the instance…
If I understand your wording correctly, do constraints set within the Component propagate? I thought any constraints put on a higher grouping cascaded down to the inner parts ( e.g. a group of email and password text fields).
Or constraints set on the whole unit before it was turned into a Component?
If that is the case, then something is wrong for me.
Do constraints just not propagate at all via components?