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Guys, please help me…I dont know what’s happening with Figma desktop app.

i was designing prototyping and even though I connected it to right screen, either its taking me to another screen or not at all. I checked 5times connections. and reopened desktop app once.

Hi @Gayatri_Bodke, Thank you so much for getting in touch about this. We’d love to learn more about the issue you’re experiencing.

If you could provide recordings or screenshots showing the full Figma screen, including the left and right-hand panels, it would be helpful for us to understand the problem you’re facing. Additionally, would you mind sharing your file with us so we can take a look at your prototype settings?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

If any community members have insights on this issue, please feel free to share them.

Thanks again for reaching out.

Actually, I’m trying to create low-fidelity prototype. I have a navigation bar at the bottom which has 3 options fav, downloads, and map. I wanted to use sections in whole app. so it remembers from where it came from. Lets say if I m reading article and suddenly wants to check my fav it should take me to fav but then if i want to see fav from archive it should come back to from where I went.

Hi there, Thank you for your response and for sharing what you are trying to create.

I’m not entirely sure about your prototype design goal, but it seems like you might be interested in Preserving scroll position.

Preserving scroll position allows you to maintain the same scroll position when transitioning between frames. You can find more information here: Preserve scroll position in prototypes

Another related resource you might find useful is State management for prototypes

In addition to the resources mentioned above, feel free to explore the Figma Community to see if there are any prototypes that inspire you.

Moreover, we have many experienced designers in our community, so let’s look forward to their input.
