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Ayuda, se eliminó de forma inesperada una archivo. Al entrar al link me sale lo siguiente: Es posible que este archivo se haya eliminado movido o no esté disponible. Es de mi propiedad pero nunca lo eliminé, tampoco esta en archivos eliminados

Hey @AlesandraY , welcome to the community!

You got this notification on your page which indicates that something has changed about your permission to view this file – you may not be logged into the right account to view it, it has been deleted, or it has been moved somewhere that you can’t access. I understand how stressful it can be to see a file disappear but I’m certain we can get to the bottom of this together.

To cover some grounds, please check if:

  • The file is in your deleted folder (Open your drafts > click the deleted page). If so, right-click the file to restore it

  • The file may have been moved by a teammate who was also on that file

  • You’re logged into a Figma account that should have access to this file. You can switch accounts via the top-right and top-left corners of the file browser.

If you still haven’t found it, please reach out directly to the support team with a link to the file so they can investigate it further here. You can grab the url in the desktop app by right-clicking the open tab → Copy link.

For more troubleshooting tips, I’d also suggest you to check our guide on how to troubleshoot this: Files not opening. Hope this helps!
