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The use case is very simple:

Instead of creating a component for “bundles of characteristics”, it would be nice to create classes that you could use to style elements.

The most common example would be within cards.

You would create a class that includes these styles for the card :

  • Shadow

  • Border radius

  • Background color

    And you would use this class to style every card component.

The problem now is that you can:

  • Either create a card component with a slot, which is not always ideal because you have to make sure that the content always behaves as wanted within the card

  • Style with variables or styles each element of the card everytime

Classes would really make life of designers easier, and make it more dev friendly.

This seems like it should have been a feature in the very first release of Figma, and would make a huge difference in my productivity

Hi there, Appreciate you sharing your thoughts on create classes!

I understand how much this will help you all and this might be handy for other community members as well.

I have shared your ideas with our internal team for future consideration!


Thanks @Junko3 for your reply.

Hope it gets some attention
