I’ve begun to notice how Figma seems to prioritize automation and corporate needs (inevitably eliminating jobs) over designers’ requests to help GET work and apply for said jobs.
When it comes to support and helping us with our portfolio’s – a huge part of being a designer – we’ve hardly seen improvements in the last 5 years. Speeding up and modernizing that workflow would be incredible useful.
Some features we’ve all been begging for:
Recording prototypes!! I mean, come on! YES-- there is a “work around” but isn’t that really the purpose of so much of the app? To work faster? We can also work around not having some of the component automation, too. And get paid for it. Being able to save MP4’s (and GIFS) at the full size, whereas Quicktime records the shrunken version, is not something we can currently do.
Selecting either an arrow or touch cursor in prototype settings. This has to be as simple as it gets.
Embed functionality, or lack thereof. I could be wrong about this, but it seems to be extremely limited. It would be nice to neatly embed prototypes. Instead, the embed window is unresponsive and has little to no features.
Being able to turn on/off file nesting when exporting. In a perfect world this works great but most times is unhelpful. I end up with a ton of folders that I have to dig through.
Could we export frames once and automatically save over them or duplicate without always going through the finder window?
I’m a business user as well as a personal one. But I don’t feel like Figma really addresses ‘personal’ needs or even takes them seriously.