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Hey guys,

i am new here and want to say first: I love the way we can implement plugins to figma, this is awesome, great work!

I noticed the following:

if I want to check a node to see whether it contains a stroke, I have to query different properties, depending on whether I have a node of type GROUP or FRAME.

For example, if i want to check the node type GROUP for strokes, i am fine with if(node.strokes), because it is undefined if not set. If i check the type FRAME, i have to use if(node.strokes.length), because it is empty but not undefined.

Maybe Iā€™m missing a property that is unique, but it seems to me that this is some kind of a bug?

GroupNode does not support strokes. You only need to check the nodes to which they can be added. You can find out about supported nodes from the documentation: strokes.
