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Can we get a true aspect ratio lock when the ‘Constrain Proportions’ is on?WX20210123-114719@2x A true aspect ratio lock means two things:

  1. When dragging on a node with ‘constrain proportions’, its width and height always stay in their original ratio no matter which direction you drag it.

  2. When resizing on the parent of a node with ‘constrain proportions’ that happens to be constrainedWX20210123-112532@2x, the node takes on the smallest of its supposed width and height, and calculates its ratio accordingly.

This would be so very helpful to polygon shapes that want to stay in that shape. Consider a spider chart. When you resize its parent, you don’t want the ‘spider net’ to squish squash; neither will you want a doughnut to turn into an oval.

*Resizing of the node’s parent layer is inevitable if you need responsive designs.

Taking bets on this not being part of any config announcements. How this wasn’t in scope as part of Auto Layout 1.0 is crazy

Hey y’all, this plugin has successfully solved this problem for me:

Let’s hope Figma can cross this basic feature off in 2024.

+1, aspect ratio is already a widely supported CSS property.

Ran into this issue today and I was surprised that elements don’t keep their relative size even when “Constrain proportions” is turned on. Please implement this feature!

This is a fundamental need in Figma. I have to break components and design systems to resize images consistently. I really hope this can be addressed.

Don’t worry everyone! There’s a bunch of AI garbage that no one asked for! Who cares about basic features that we’ve been asking for for years!

You don’t have to detach the component as there are workarounds like plugins. Probably one reason why Figma don’t see any urgency implementing this feature natively.

Now with AI out of the way at Figma Config 2024, let’s hope they can focus back on what the users want vs their shareholders.

I want this so bad. Auto Layout would benefit so much from this.

I dunno - “Keep the proportions locked on a thing that has specific proportions” just feels fundamental to me. I’m not making the leap to this being a feature that should be in plugin or component territory.

Is there any way that Figma will ever respond to this or a way to get them to respond? Even a, “No.” or anything? Seeing all these features shown off at Config and so little features getting crossed off these forum posts is very discouraging. Just feels like we’re yelling into the void

There is no way to lock the responsive aspect ratio of a shape or image. This is a really common requirement but really limits the effectiveness of responsive designs.

E.g. I have a 1:1 aspect ratio image on mobile, I want that image to be 1:1 on tablet. Right now this is not supported responsive behavior. Design file example / explanation here:

I’ve asked for this 3 times, it’s one of the top voted feature on this forum. Please do this soon, it’s such a common requirement when designing

Figma doesn’t care. Here’s some AI that you didn’t ask for!

@Figma_Moderation is there any way to get a response to this thread?

Hi friends, I have developed this plugin that creates a frame that auto maintain it’s aspect ratio without the plugin. Please feel free to check it out and it is also free to use.

bumping this!

bump again

Bump again, this plus image alignment.

Bumping this, we need it Figma!

I am screaming and crying please add this core essential feature. So tired of begging for this


Seriously, certain design features should be prioritised 😕

Bumping this essential feature request.

Figma, why won’t you even react on this? Stop letting us down.

Buuuump !

I want to create responsive image lists and I can’t find how to do it! Give us that button!
