I have searched a bit, and I can see that there have been previous requests on this matter, but that is now closed. I actually see this more as a bug that this feature is missing than a missing feature. So, please add this minor feature soon to Figma. It would be very helpful.
It is very rare that I actually use stroke in outline mode, but when I do, I expect that you can set an offset unrelated to having an auto-layout on a shape, text, or component. I honestly thought this would be possible, but I have had to hack my way to create this for my needs.
To elaborate, I’m creating a design system within it covering the focus state for various form components. The easy method would have been to add a stroke in outline mode and put an offset on 1 px. This would also automatically follow when the field area is set to fill, but instead, I had to hack this by adding an additional auto-layout with a shape inside that covers the same area of the form field. The original auto-layout then had to be set to a minus value in the virtual gap, and then the additional auto-layout required a stroke with an outline of 2px, and inside, to create the whitespace gap, I needed to make a stroke in white with 1px.
All of this seems too complicated for something that could have been simpler and more effective. Please, consider offset option when stroke-mode is set to outside.
Best regards,