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Is there a way like in XD to set the prototype zoom percentage via a drop-down, or at least show the current zoom percentage. I use that to match the chrome web-view percentage and screen size to match the exact design dimensions for comparison. I only see options for “fit” and 100% so there doesn’t seem to be a manual way to adjust the zoom percentage to something like 50%?

+1 this. There’s no reliable way to zoom in when presenting a prototype. I can command + mousewheel to zoom, but then I can’t scroll to the top and bottom of the screen being viewed while running a prototype. It behaves almost as if Figma determines how big the invisible scroll bar should be and then doesn’t increase it when you zoom in.


I am using a monitor that has 120 PPI, and usually i set the monitor zoom level at 125% to compensate for the difference. Although I can set the browser zoom level if i view the prototype on, In the desktop application, there is no way to set the zoom level on prototypes.


Hey all - I know this topic is older, but I recently merged some posts together and wanted to acknowledge that this isn’t a true feature, but I converted the category to “share feedback” so others can also vote on it.
