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I use components from a design system library. I override many things in the components. When a component updates, my overrides are preserved - except fill.

That is a problem, especially when the fill is an image. Every time the component updates, the image is gone (reset to the default image).

It is a real pain and I wish this was changed soon.

Yes, it’s painful indeed - I’m suffering about the same issue. What makes it even worse, it seems that any change in the main component causes the image fill to reset itself. In my case, there’s an image placeholder layer and a sibling text field layer - and if the text field styles are updated in the main component, the instances reset their fill in the placeholder layer even if it’s not touched in the update.

Is this still an existing issue?

Has anyone found out how to stop this happening? I have this happening with a nested avatar component when I swap the user images, which are saved as fill styles. If I then change the size variant of the avatar, for example, the image reverts back to it’s default.
