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If there is an option to duplicate the Text Styles / Color Styles folder then it makes it easy when creating design systems. Attached is a screenshot of the idea.

Thanks for your thought! Your input is greatly appreciated! I will bring this up with our internal team and we’ll consider it for future improvements.

Nice one. thx

Did this guide for those of you who don’t enjoy cutting and pasting between multiple files.

There’s a little learning curve to this method, but should work smoothly when you get used to it.

Just adding a +1 to keep this open and (hopefully) on Figma’s radar. It’s a much needed feature and should be basic functionality.

upping this too!

There is one specific scenario where this is VERY needed. I am a UX and UI director at an agency. We have new projects come and go all the time. When work on our clients products they have specific color, texts, shaped, shadows and more. So what we do is that we have a file that has our components and styles, we duplicate it and work over that file changing the styles and the look of the components. For example changing the colors to the new brand, or changing an input to look like the client usually uses. This is HARD to navigate and control in Figma. So a better way to handle these style would be great.

Incredible a so basic functionality is not even already done !

Maybe a plugin that manage the style already do the trick, if someone know a good one

Also, it is annoying to have to duplicate style that are kind of related, like the bold version of a style.

It is a duplication as any change in the style of one need to be replicated to maintain consistency, like the line height spacing.

Instead, it will be better to have a kind of style + modifier concept where, for example, I inherit all style of another style but override font weight for example

This is a must.

+1 to Copy styles, not just Cut them. I’m working at an agency where I need to combine different base styles from different files and libraries into a single master library for my project. Having styles across multiple libraries has access issues for my team, and scatters the source of truth about.

Cut and Paste styles is also destructive to the original file, and I bet it’d create a nightmare of ripples when styles are cut if that library was a dependency in other files.

Copy and Paste styles is non-destructive to the original file.

I’m working on a multi-language project. The way the test-styles are implemented now just drives me crazy. Simply being able to duplicate styles would save a lot of time. I really hope that this idea will be implemented soon!

So a hacky work around is you “Cut” the styles then hit undo to put them back so you don’t mess up the original file. Then you are free to paste them into the new file as they are still on your clipboard. bingo bango done.

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We still need this. For example, I have body text group with 5 different size styles in it, and I need to create several absolutely similar groups for bold, italic or underline text. Still open context menu every time hoping to discover duplicate function ))

Your workaround is great and quick for duplicating styles. I can see the duplicated (renamed) styles available in my original file now.

Only problem is the application of the styles to elements doesn’t carry over from the duplicate file. So when I take the elements in from the duplicate file that have the renamed styles, when I paste them in the original file (which again, already has the renamed styles added), the pasted elements have no style at all. So I have to manually assign every single element to the new style. You’d think that having a renamed style applied to elements in the duplicate file would remember/retain that style when being pasted into any other Figma file (including the original file).

I have also done this trick. However, when you do this, there is a chance that when you reload the original Figma file, the style will be missing. This has happened to me several times.

Haries, this also happened to me several times, it was precisely the reason I opened this topic, I lost several styles and had to recreate everything again, I contacted Figma support about this but received a response that they were unable to reproduce the error, so I came here

how is this not a thing already???

With this plugin you can can duplicate color styles folder

Good to know: I’m the author of the plugin, feedbacks are welcome 😁

With this plugin you can can duplicate color styles folder

Good to know: I’m the author of the plugin, feedbacks are welcome 😁

great thanks, can this be done for text styles as as well?


I couldn’t believe that this feature is missing, given how much Figma advocates its ability to help us create and manage design system… Like… seriously?

Please add this to your next software update. Thanks!

The solution is this plugin to copy/paste style between files.

Works with any type of styles. Colors, typography, effects and even grids styles!

Give it a try!

agreed, looking for a plugin-free solution to this

@ryan_luce 's hack works, just make sure you undo one or two steps… draw a random shape before cutting the styles to get a baseline of what step you’re on.

Also you can take extra step and rename the pasted styles folder in the new file before cut + pasting them back again into your original file.
