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I wanted to report a problem with the text component

The component works great in all languages, but I noticed that in the Hebrew language (and probably also in Arabic) the order of the letters is reversed

This is a well-known problem in Hebrew because it needs RTL support

.redro esrever ni nettirw si txet elohw eht taht si ti gnitartsurf woh kniht tsuJ

(Just think how frustrating it is that the whole text is written in reverse.)

Another important thing to note is that we (speakers of RTL languages) are very aware of this problem, but designers who do not speak these languages ​​often encounter this problem without noticing. For example, even in the familiar game - Brawl Stars (They corrected this after the post was published) and many others have problems with the Hebrew text displayed in the screenshots of the game in Google play

For the developers of Figma- I found great documentation for the implementation of RTL in SVG: Creating SVG Tiny Pages in Arabic, Hebrew and other Right-to-left scripts

I really like to design in Figma but it’s just awful to design with Hebrew text so please add RTL support


Please start supporting RTL languages

Thank you for your cooperation


Please fix the Right-to-left writing problem.

Figma and its features are not suitable for right-to-left languages, and we have to use plugins to solve these problems, which is annoying.



I think after all this time, the Figma team is well aware of the problem of not supporting right-to-left languages

Figma and its features are not suitable for right-to-left languages, and we have to use plugins to solve these problems, which is annoying.

It just doesn’t support it.

there is a lot of designers who need to switch totally to figma but not supporting rtl language and Arabic specifically limits this chances , plz put this on track asap.

Yes please! add support for RTL, I HATE Adobe XD 😢

Hello, I love designing in Figma and not just for UI design.

I also use it for general graphic design because of how quick and fun it is to use. I do a lot of Arabic text in my designs so official built-in RTL support would be amazing 💜

This is a must! I don’t understand how I’m still relying on plugins to write text.

Please Figma team this should be a priority!

I’ll just move my life into Figma once I can write Arabic without all the hassle.

Let’s be real, Figma is the real Metaverse. I just wanna speak my language in the Metaverse.

Why Figma does not support right to left languages like Arabic?

Hi Figma

It is almost 2022, and there is no support.

It means that you are either a racist company, or a lazy one.

Copied from Figma’s core values: “Our vision is to make design accessible to everyone”.

Yet designing in Arabic, Hebrew and more RTL languages is completely inaccessible — these are languages with over 430M speakers in the world.

Please make this a priority.

Figma Support would you please acknowledge this thread for a second? At least say you saw this is the most upvoted request but you decided it is not important enough for you. But don’t leave us talking to ourselves… It is not enough you’ve been ignoring us in the product, now you’re not even acknowledging us in the forum… Is that really your standard for building an inclusive community?

@figma Support, I know the Middle East has this stigma of people armed to the teeth that ride on camels and fight each other, but besides that we also have a wee bit of high tech as well.

Arabic Speakers are 350M (+270M as a second language), Farsi speakers are 110M, Urdu speakers are 69M, Sindhi speakers are 32M. Hebrew speakers are 10M.

All together, I’d say it is quite a large audience. This issue is going on for years.

Solve it up!

We just haven’t been loud enough

We are still using Sketch for this reason only. It supports RTL.

(available only for Macs which is a pain point by itself).

PLEASE prioritize this one. The entire Middle Eastern market is waiting for this.

Please add RTL support! It’s will make my life so easy!

We all need RTL support, come on just add it ! it will help us SO MUCH

You are 100% correct

Crazy… Must be solved

You guys have NO legitimate reason for not adding RTL support so far. It’s been years that the RTL community by the tens of millions is suffering every day if they want to use Figma. Answer the people!!! Push this to immediate up most importance! Do not neglect us! It takes years to build a brand but a very short time to kill a brand with wrong business decisions.

Please add support for RTL languages.

Figma is one of the best design programs, but its only major drawback is the lack of support for the Arabic language and the direction of texts without the need to use plugins,

Such a mature design product with no RTL support? WTF? this is shocking.

the most annoying thing is that I could not find any official response to this topic(RTL support) from Figma.

well, going back to Adobe XD for now.


I like to design in Figma but I am an Arabic UI/UX designer and I need to design in Arabic, but Figma doesn’t support it

it’s a real pain point for a big part of the population who speak the RTL languages, I love Figma! With proper RTL support, it would be the best Platform I ever used

Please make me happy with other millions of users! and add support for RTL languages to Figma, and if anyone
