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Double clicking the edge of an element to change its width/height property is neat, but finding and clicking edges can be error prone and finicky, especially with nested objects. It’s also hard to remember which property is for regular double clicking and which is for option/alt.

It would be super convenient and fun if I could just hit w or h to cycle through hug, fill, and fixed. Easy to remember, easy to execute.

Hey Ben, thanks for the feedback!

We’ve updated your topic into a feature request. We’ll pass this onto our team for consideration.

Could you share the link to the feature request? I want to vote for it.


I’m thinking exactly the same right now, I need this feature right now lol.

Hey Marcelo, you can vote the idea directly in this topic by clicking in ‘Vote’, just above the topic’s title :

A shortcut key to edit the W / H pixels would also be great!

Why? Today, it’s very hard to spot the location of the Width & Height properties in the Right Panel, because they change their locations depending on the element you selected.

e.g., If the element you selected is a component instance with lots of properties, you have to spend a few extra seconds locating the Width & Height properties because they are way below the Right Panel.
