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I can do almost my entire FigJam sketching workflow using the Creator Micro, my Apple Pencil, and my iPad Pro (using the native app or using the MacOS app over SideCar). It’s amazing.

BUT… I cannot change the color of the marker or highlighter. For this action, I have to interact with the UI, which breaks my flow. I prefer working with the UI hidden since, again, my entire flow can be done with the macro pad and stylus.

So I’m requesting a keyboard shortcut to cycle the colors. A single key to cycle is important, because I’d like to bind this function to a knob or roller. Then I could rotate my way to the color I wanted and keep flowing. Shift + the keyboard shortcut could cycle in reverse.

Bonus request: do the same for pen and highlighter thickness. Extra bonus request: give onscreen feedback when any of this happens and the UI is hidden.

Hey @Brooks_Solveig, thank you for sharing this valuable feedback with us! I’ve just forwarded this to the teams for consideration.

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