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Figma is supporting Gravatar for the default avatar.

There are two new features Gravatar recently launched, that could enhance the current experience.

Full disclosure, I am from Automattic, and I am working on the Gravatar project team.

New Gravatar API - Profile as a service

The new Gravatar API supports more than just avatar images based on an email address. It enhances user profiles, simplifies onboarding, and personalizes user experiences.

For example, in Figma, it could - for users that have a Gravatar profile - pre-fill profile information like name, location, “about me,” verified social media links, and more.

Gravatar Quick Editor

This new feature could simplify how Figma users update their avatars and profile data via Gravatar. The new Quick Editor allows users to directly edit and manage their Gravatar profiles within third-party platforms.

The experience is similar to using a familiar payment service provider like PayPal or Stripe. Users click on a link, authenticate their account in a popup, manage their profile, and then get redirected back to the platform.

You can take a look at the feature in our Gravatar Developer Docs and in our GitHub library gravatar/web/packages/quick-editor at trunk · Automattic/gravatar · GitHub

Thank you so much for the request. I’ll share it with our internal team! - Toku
