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The main issue with Figma Slides is that you never know if all images and videos have loaded before you start presenting to the client.

Depending on the wifi connection you might end up with videos that don’t play and low res images.

It would be best to include the assets in the initial loading and maybe return some messages to inform the user.

A good example is CodeSandBox approach when it starts up a server.

Hey @AleBarbieri, thank you for sharing this insight! I understand how important it is to have confidence that all images and videos are fully loaded before starting a client presentation. Including all assets in the initial load and providing feedback messages would be incredibly helpful for ensuring a smooth experience, especially with varying Wi-Fi connections. I’ll pass this suggestion along to the team for consideration.

Feel free to upvote it as well to help bring attention to this on Figma’s roadmap. Thanks again for your feedback!
