It doesn’t look like there’s an obvious way to change the order of exposed nested instances. Right now the order seems to be based on reverse layer order. It’d be great if the order can be manually adjusted.
+100000. Plus it would be nice to be able to select which properties of a nested instance are being leaked. I’m building complex design systems for clients, so they are able to quickly export customized versions of a template. But sometimes i need to restrict the client to being able to change all of the properties.
10000000+ need this feature!
+100%, please make this available!
+100, yes it would be so great to even pull apart the items, so that a nested item’s property could be placed anywhere, or hidden if needed.
Replying to keep hope alive!
This needs to happen quick.
My designs look anti-UX with overrride options all over the place
How many comments and votes does this need to be put on a priority backlog?
Oct 2022 this thread was started.
Hello, do you have an update on this feature?
Bumping this up again.
It looks like the Figma designers like the reverse order – they also make “last on top” the default state when auto layout is created - (which is unintuitive to me, expected to be like in regular layers)
+1 here. this is a bit annoying.
+1 Would be very helpful if this was possible
Jup, would be really helpfull! +1
This would be very useful indeed.
It seems messed up when I try to understand what I did when exposing nested instance. I like to tell stories with my components, you know?
How is this still a thing?! When I group any other elements and use auto layout, they are displayed in a proper order. But for some reason component instance is in a reverse order - why would that make any sence? 😑
+100 Keep this alive. I would love this!
Yes please, I need this 🙏 We use global layout component and instance slot component within it for content. This nested component is changed the most often but it is so hard to find among the nested instances because of the ordering. 😦
Is this getting fixed or what? 2 years in and still no signs of this issue being fixed.
Need this please!!! +100
Need this, please +1024
Yeah, +1 000 000. Should be easy enough to implement too and would help a ton.
I’d be so great to be able to reorder nested instances!
This is what should’ve been worked on instead of those superficial AI features…
If its too difficult/time consuming to implement the reordering of props, at least give us a ‘spotlight’ modal so we can highlight buried nested components. This way they will at least stand out when scrolling through a complex component with lots of properties.
+∞ Being able to organize our components by re-ordering Properties with Nested Instances would make the instances more useable and would cut down on restructuring our components over and over to get the order right.
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