Hi @Mani_Sankar, Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this! I am grateful for the video you shared.
I’ve observed that changing the Auto layout direction from Vertical to Horizontal impacts other Auto layout properties as well:
- The Auto layout frame changes from “Width:Fixed” to “Width:Hug” (around 1:40)
- Elements within the Auto layout frame changes from “Width:Fill” (around 1:05) to “Width:Fixed” (Around 2:21)
Our engineering team is aware of these unexpected changes that occur during Auto layout direction adjustments. While we can’t promise a quick fix, but will work towards finding a solution in the future.
I’ve looked for a workaround, but haven’t come across one yet. If anyone from our community has any workaround of this, please share here.
Really appreciate you sharing your thoughts and highlighting this matter. Your understanding and patience mean a lot to us!
I made a plugin that fixes this: https://figma.fun/hcNyUh
Just bind it to a shortcut and use that instead of a default button in the right panel. See how it works: