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I have a scenario. I have a form in which I want to submit a comment.

The comment object is on the screen and is a component with 3 variants:

1 > hidden (note-hidden)

This is the component on the screen where it is at 0% visibility and 1px tall.

2 > transition state where it looks yellow (note-transition)

Note is full size but is a yellow tone.

3 > the final state (note-default)

The note is in it’s normal state.

When I tap the submit on the form button I use a variable to change the variant from note-hidden to note-transition. The variant “note-transition” has an after-delay action to change it from yellow to the normal color. This is the old school 37Signals yellow fade pattern. The issue is that when I use a variable to change the variant, the “after delay” doesn’t work and it just stays as the “note-transition” state. My take is that this transition should trigger and it’s a bug.

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