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Hey everyone,

I think Adobe has infiltrated Figma and they’re trying to sabotage it.

How is this SMART ANIMATE?

Hi there! This looks buggy, does it happen on browser, desktop app or both? Can you try to force-quit, and clear out the cache in the browser and desktop app to see if that helps?

I tried to use smart animate, it is working as expected on my end:

I would recommend you to reach out directly to the support team so they can try to replicate it directly by filling out this form: here

Please use your Figma account email, include a link to the file, and add as an Editor, so they can take a closer look. Thank you!

Hi Celine,

Thank you for the response, sometimes it’s just easier to find workarounds rather than go through support, saves a lot of time, which I don’t have enough of 😛

Off the top of my head (and considering you want a workaround) I’d simplify the transition. You have an arrow and a circle, maybe you can put the arrow inside an auto-layout, this new frame should have corners radius 50% of the element width (so you can shape a circle instead of a square). in the default variant set its Fill to 0% and in your hover to a 50% (or any value to make semi-transparent) that way you avoid having a different element to cover the arrow and the animation would have less to animate but just changing one value.

Hi Cecilia,

I did do it with transparencies, but it’s still a workaround 😛
