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It does not show me the Figma AI button in the toolbar below, I am with the new Beta UI3 interface and with a Professional plan account, I have activated the AI Features option, however it still does not show the Fgma AI button in the Toolbar. How can I solve this problem?

Hi there,

Figma AI is currently in limited beta and will be rolling out gradually.

Figma AI might not be available in your account just yet. As soon as it’s ready for you, you’ll see a notification in the product with all the details. Say tuned!

Figma Learn - Help Center

Thanks for your patience!


​@y_toku This has been the answer given to us all since July last year. This rollout is ridiculously slow! Figma are setting a seriously poor standard of delivery here. No way to opt in, no way to request access, just “wait please”. This is getting insanely frustrating

​@y_toku This has been the answer given to us all since July last year. This rollout is ridiculously slow! Figma are setting a seriously poor standard of delivery here. No way to opt in, no way to request access, just “wait please”. This is getting insanely frustrating

I’m with you, what’s the point of making such a thing at Config 2024 oooo AI features boom… almost one year in..and still not releasing the features...and most likely debating the pay wall to use it...

I agree. Im unable to collaborate with other teams. They have features I do not have. This is very frustrating. It’s been 9 months...
