Did you check this option?
I did. Unfortunately, I’ve lost it after upgrading 😦
However, my macBook still has it, but now I’m afraid to close it…
Hey @Portseif, sorry to hear this!
I took a peek at your account connected to the email associated with your forum account, and it doesn’t look like you’ve been added to the UI3 beta yet.
I’ll have our UI3 team take a look at your account on the backend and report back as soon as we have more info as to what may have caused this.
Hey @Portseif, just to close the loop - it looks like you also reached out to support directly on ticket #1135436.
To clarify what happened, your UI3 access was associated with your previous EDU plan, but we’ve been able to fix things on the backend to ensure you have UI3 access now associated with your new Pro plan.
Please let us know if we can help with anything else.