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Hi guys,

I have a simple, yet important topic to open.

Im working on a file with multiple people. There are many components, frames, groups, elements.

Is there a way of finding out, who created which component?

Hey @matej.sedlacek, thanks for reaching out about this and apologies for the delayed message!

For Teams on our Enterprise level Organizations Plan you can Track Library and Component usage with Design System Analytics but this feature isn’t currently available for Teams on our Professional Plan.

Please be aware that only the files one has access to are visible in the Library Analytics. Figma respects privacy in the Organization. Even if someone is an admin, they don’t have permission to see the team’s content or files unless they explicitly join.

Also additionally, some files a user may not be able to see are other user’s drafts. We’ll never show the other user’s private drafts.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.
