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Hi all! Does using versioning commits in Figma affect a file’s performance over time?

I’m asking this question because we are making lots of commits in a file and wondered if that could affect Figma’s performance over time. My guess is that it shouldn’t as commits will be saved elsewhere but I wanted to ask 😀

Based on my experience, not at all.

I think total number of layers (and images) would affect performance more, so saving a version and then deleting layers would even improve performance on very large files.

Thanks for sharing ntfromchicago!

It’s a very interesting topic for me, can anybody official 🤔 from Figma confirm that?

Sometimes I duplicate of a very fat image-loaded file and them remove a big part of it, and then go on working on it for a different aim. But of course the fat images stay then in the versions history. I wondered, I the performance of the duplicated file would be any better, if it didn’t have this fat image-loaded version in the history?

Hi there,

Thank you for raising this topic. To clarify your question, are you referring to Commit as in branching or as a versioning name?

In case you’re referring to either of these, branching or versioning naming shouldn’t impact the performance of a single file. I would like to share this article from our help center that explains how Figma loads design files:

How Figma loads design files

To ensure even the largest Figma design files can be used as efficiently as possible, Figma dynamically loads pages. When a file is opened, only the page that you land on is loaded (usually the first page in a file). This means a file with hundreds of pages can open as quickly as a file with just a few! Figma loads additional pages as you navigate to them. If an unloaded page is particularly complex, you may experience a brief pause when you navigate to the page.

So, the process of versioning or branching should not impact the performance of an individual file or page in terms of loading.

I hope this clarifies things, but if you’re experiencing any performance issues, please don’t hesitate to let us know!


