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My variants are swapping over correctly when I am in design mode, but when I go to present they are still showing as the default? Otherwise my porotype is working swimmingly. Any idea how to fix this?

Hi there,

Sorry to hear you are having issues with the present mode. Could you share a screen recording of the issue you are seeing on your end with a copy of your file, so we can try to replicate? If you are hesitant to share your file publicly, please reach out directly to our support team here:

Be sure to use your email address linked to your Figma account, include a direct link to the file, and invite with “can edit” permission so we can look into this further. Note that users with emails on your team do not count towards your billing. Thank you!


Unfortuantly my screen recorder is crashing, but I took these screenshots from my design

In design mode where you can see Options 1,2 and 3 are “selected”


In present mode, option 3 is selected in the drop down but is not highlighted like it should be

Thank you for sharing the screen recording! It’s a bit difficult to see the root of the issue. To cover some basics, can you please check that the interactions are well-connected?

And, would you mind reaching out directly to our support team with a copy of your file here: They can have a deeper look at it.

(Be sure to use your email address linked to your Figma account, include a direct link to the file, and invite with “can edit” permission so we can look into this further. Thank you!)
