Hi @Christian_Leon_Christensen - that sounds like a bug. Could you share a file with me via DM? You can make sure I have access by inviting me at achan@figma.com. A video of the bug occurring would also be very helpful so we know where to look. Thank you!
Same issue, although maybe making it complicated for myself – I have a component with 2 states (Active and Inactive), in one variant I want to override the “Label” field to use the same label in both states.
In a separate variant I want the labels to be different between states (in this case deliberately mis-matching the text layer names “Short Label” and “Long Label”.
I create instances of both Variants and apply the text overrides – it all works on the canvas, I can switch back-and-forth between the states on multiple instances and the different button and state labels are retained.
BUT it’s simply not working when I Present the Prototype, with the “Active” state of both Variants switching to the original “Label” placeholder text.
Sure, I’ll do it over the day. Sorry for the late reply, I didn’t get notifications on a reply on email for some reason. Maybe it got caught by the spamfilter.
Hi @Andrew_Chan I have the same issue. I’m tying to do a simple button with variants and the hover interaction just simply doesn’t work in my prototype it completely dismissed my overrides. Can you guys help ? Thanks a lot!
I had the same issue. Renaming the text layer (which had non-sticking overrides) across all variants seems to have fixed it.
I have the same issue.
I created button component variants (default, hovered, focused). I also added interactions i.e. When a default button is hovered, it becomes the Hovered variant etc.
When I create an instance of the default button, I make it larger than the origina (in the component) is. When I hover, everything changes. The width of the hovered button is smaller. The overrides don’t stick.
Also I have experienced this with literally every component I have made.
pThis is very frustrating]
Same issue. Still not addressed. This seems like a pretty simple oversight to fix.
Hey, I’m still new to Figma and I think we are dealing with the same issue. I’m doing a flip card animation right now.
I first created a variant with the flip animation and it work.
However, when I duplicated it to edit the content (in both the default and flipped states), only the default state’s modifications were shown.
Same issue. Any news on this? It has been reportet very often now but seems still unfixed in the new release 😦
I’ve had this same bug for a year now. It use to happen periodically, but now it is consistent. If I have various variants to a parent component, and I change the variant, text, color, or anything to the children components or objects in the other variants of the parent component, then those changes are not reflected in the prototype. They are reflected on canvas when switching between the variants of the parent. This software is becoming unusable from a testing perspective since this bug first occurred.
Same here, I have to create extra (and definitely unnecessary) variants to make sure the prototype can work as good as the editor. This significantly increased the difficulty of maintaining the libraries…
Three years of this major bug and not a single fix or workaround? Come on Figma…
Figma – 18 Aug 24
Just preview…
I spent 3 hours for this bs…
I’ve been working on Figma for 3 days after 1 year… its like “same” painful, time consuming headache.
I just spent HOURS trying to debug/fix this problem. Guess they still haven’t bothered. 😑