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There’s an issue when I open the file using the file link; some parts of the components (like icons) are missing on the viewer’s screen.

However, we found that this only occurs in accounts that have editor permissions but are set as viewers in a project. It does not happen in accounts that are editors or general viewers; they see the correct components.

This is particularly concerning because the affected account belongs to a developer, and I’m worried they might develop the wrong UI due to missing components.

have editor permissions but are set as viewers

editors or general viewers

Hi there,

Thanks for flagging. It sounds strange, so could you reach out directly to the support team with a copy of your file: Our support team will look into it.

Please make sure you use the email associated with your Figma account, include links to the file in question, and share access with Don’t worry, inviting us to view your file won’t impact your billing.

Thanks for your understanding!

