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Wanted to report a weird bug in Figma. Even when the stroke value is zero, I can see a stroke in the design. It disappears when I increase the stroke value and again make it to zero.

I am experiencing the same thing since early morning

Same here…

Getting the same here…

Having the same issue. There is now a stroke around any element where the value is zero.

Same problem across all the files

The same. Hope it’s just a bug and Figma team will resolve it as soon as possible, as qa teams, marketing, front-end guys all dependent on correct Figma files and I’m absolutely not sure that I should manually fix it for hundreds of files

Hey all, are any of you able to share a file where you’re seeing this happen?

If you could add as an editor and link it here or send a DM that’d be great!

Hey Josh, check DM

Hey all this should now be fixed! Thanks again for reporting this! 😊
