Hey there, I was hoping to get some guidance.
I call this async function to get a list of team libraries used with the team file where i’ve enabled them in the UI beforehand. It returns a list of 3 which is great but I was expecting 6 libraries?
Are there any gotchas i’m not seeing like a max return or even just naivety whilst resolving the promise?
async function getLibraries() {
const libraries =
await figma.teamLibrary.getAvailableLibraryVariableCollectionsAsync();
return libraries;
figma.ui.onmessage = async (msg) => {
const libraries = await getLibraries();
My end goal is, within our team projects, to get a list of the full team libraries to get the key for a specific one and then retrieve a particular component set using the key.
Any help would be awesome, thanks!