We have been using Figma for almost 3 years, in our all organization we only have 3 designers and share files with all dev team, Only the Owner can see and change roles, this is already sneaky from Figma.
Many viewers are constantly ending up as designers, cause somehow Figma makes it sneaky to convert viewers to full seats and admins can not monitor this as only owner has rights.
So I had 3 full seats for our 3 people incharge or design, last year i ended up with 5 seats as sneaky Figma converted 2 more viewers.
Now we are being hit with a bill of 8K and 12 full seats that we need to pay in advance and there is no way to cancell, correct, refund, this is crazy.
It is unethical to convert viewers to editors at easy, charging 560 euros for 12 months in advance and not offering a clear way to cancel, correct, downgrade users, get refunded, etc.
No phone line, support is slow and now all our work (files) are “kidnapped”
My ticket is
ticket k#1143353]