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I’m building a presentation using Figma (regular Figma, not Figma Slides) and I need to export it as a PDF.

The problem is I have some intricate fills in many of the frames I use as slides, for example, a background image + radial gradient + linear gradient + overlay low opacity noise image, and things like that. Some stakeholders see glitchy backgrounds on some slides when I export the pdf.

I thought I would rasterize the fills of the frames, so instead of a bunch of stacked pictures and gradients they’re simple images, but doing so also rasterizes the content of the frame (i.e., all the text and other elements included on the “slide” frame).

The workaround I’m using is creating a new frame for the slide, and manually separating the contents from the original slide frame, but it’s quite a tedious task.

Does anyone have another possible solution for this?

Maybe I could also post this in “Share an idea”?



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