While playing the prototype of one of my drafts, the prototype screen just dips to black and just a small square box is visible on the prototype screen. I tried both the Present and Preview options and cleared Figma’s cache and restarted it but the issue still persists.
Hey @Abhinandan_Yadav, thank you for reaching out and trying some troubleshooting steps!
Is it happening in the browser, desktop app or both? Can you provide a direct link to the file here, and invite support-share@figma.com with “can edit” permission so I can look into this further? Note that users with @figma.com emails on your team do not count towards your billing.
Also, are you seeing any memory usage alert? The most common reason for prototype performance issues is the file’s memory limitations. At the moment, the workaround for prototypes not loading or loading with problems is to reduce the overall memory of the Figma file. This should help with any prototypes, regardless of the device or operating systems. Tips on reducing memory can be found here: Reduce memory usage in files.
Thanks in advance!
Hi @Gayani_S ,
It’s happening in both the browser and desktop app. Here’s the direct link: https://www.figma.com/design/V8IMlrzrVRbxZKcENimiaK/Tars-Assignment?node-id=0-1&t=TH2s0tdBXajae7FH-1. Permission has been given to support-share@figma.com. There are no memory usage alerts; it’s a relatively small file.
Hey @Abhinandan_Yadav, thank you for share your file link! I was able to reproduce this issue on my end as well. However, I am not able to find out what’s causing this issue. So I’ve just created a support ticket on your behalf. Your ticket number is #1088948, for reference.
Our support team usually takes up to 24 hours to reply back to emails - tends to be quicker than that in normal circumstances. However, please be aware that we are facing increased contact volume so there might be a delay.
Appreciate your patience in the meantime!
Hey, Thanks for looking into the issue and creating a support ticket. I’ll keep an eye out for the follow-up.
Additionally, I’m facing another problem with a different file. It’s a prototype of a desktop web scrollable landing page (Flow name: Desktop). When I scroll down, it briefly jumps back to the top of the page, and then back down again as I continue to scroll. This keeps happening repeatedly. Could you please assist with this as well? I’ve granted access to the file for support-share@figma.com and here’s the file link: https://www.figma.com/design/VWTrKBQXIdtxvYIodG4mlS/ORUphones-New-Designs?node-id=0-1&t=x4wr496sX68hNsWJ-1
Appreciate your help!
Hey @Abhinandan_Yadav, thanks for sharing your file!
I’ve went through this prototype as well and I am not able to find what could cause this. Can you please add this to your recent ticket so our team can investigate this as well.
I took a look at your ticket and looks like you’re being forwarded to our technical quality team so someone will be in touch soon. It would be great if you can add this issue as well and share the link with them, thanks!
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