I have been looking for this solution for days! Why does an external link have to open a new tab? Anyone??
Struggling with this as well. Would be great to be able to set it so that the link opens in the existing tab.
We’ve been running into the same issue! Would love to determine same-tab or new-tab behaviour, rather than default to a new tab.
I’m having a similar problem, my embedded links (in decks im making) are opening the link in the same tab/closing the pdf and thus disrupting the flow… would like to be able to set the link to open in a new browser tab.
Did anyone figure how to open pdf links in a new browser tab?
Really would love this as a checkbox feature to open link in a new tab or not. The current default behavior of always opening a new tab is confusing for our users, and memory intensive.
One workaround for TEXT LINKS ONLY is to link to the page – if you have only one prototype flow on that page. However, this doesn’t work for interaction links that are part of a prototype (say, over a graphic) ,
Adding another voice into this mix that still NEEDS this option!
Agreed! Open Link in Same Tab would be very helpful.
As I’m using Open Link as work-around already for fact that can’t link component from one page to another.
It’s bad enough that we have to use this workaround to do something as simple as link to another page in a prototype (when are you going to fix this!!) - but the workaround still sucks and breaks a golden rule in UX - never break the back button.
REALLY need the option to open links in the same tab.
Are you referring to viewing prototypes in a browser window? I was looking for a solution to open a second browser window from a prototype and added target=“_blank” to the link which works. I wonder if using target=“_self” or “_parent” would keep it in the same window.
+100 from me!
Having this would also mitigate the “why can’t I link to a frame on another page” issue as you could then use “open link” with a link to a flow start on another page and have it open in the same window instead of a new one.
Hey all! I don’t when it happened…but it happened!
If you go into the interactions tab and choose “Go to Link,”…
you now get the option with a checkbox to open in a new tab or not!
No fix for when it is a text link though. Those still open in a new tab.
Not just for links as I tested, every object still opens in a new tab (case for app). Is it a bug or there is a rule to use this feature? @Figma_Support
@UI_UX_Intern , are you seeing this under the interactions menu?
If you are making your link by selecting the interaction “On Click” you won’t get this option.
You only get the “open in new tab” option if you choose “Open Link” as the type of interaction.
One challenge is getting used to the way it works. IF using the “Open Link” type, you must enter the URL of the target page in the field on the panel. This method does not let you drag noodles to other targets. You would basically view your target page in a presentation mode or in a browser and get the URL from there, then add it using the “Open Link” type of interaction.
Did that help?