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I verified with my student account and it said I got the pro plan but I am still on the starter plan. If someone could provide assistance that would be greatly appreciated.

Hi there! I’ve checked in our back end, it looks like you have successfully upgrade your team “lkdt26’s team” to the Education plan. Can you please check it on your end?

Within this team under the Education plan, you have all the same features and benefits as teams with the Professional plan.

More additional information on how the Education plan works:

Figma Learn - Help Center

Hi, appreciate your reply. When I go on account settings and then plans, it says I am still on the starter plan. I do believe I have extra features which are most likely the same as the proffessional plan as I have the DEV mode option when I am designing, I was just confused on why it said I was on the starter plan

Yes it is expected, sorry for the confusion here! Still, for visibility, you should be able to confirm that you team is an Education plan team by clicking on All projects - you will then see this message at the bottom:

And I see you only have 1 team, but if you create more than 1 team, you will also be able to confirm that the team is an Education plan team from the team picker dropdown, as it’ll say Edu next to the team name:

I hope this helps!
