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Hi everyone,

I want to change the type of button that I’m using on a Card component (let’s say that instead of using a secondary button, and now I need to use a Primary button instead, and all the button variants have the same properties and structure). Still, that change is resetting all the text/label overrides I had in my instances. Is this a bug or the expected behaviour?

Current result

When I change the type of button variant used on the main component of the card, all instances of the card are updated with that button type. However, their previous text/labels are reset to their default value.

Expected result

When I change the type of button variant used on the main component of the card, all instances of the card are updated with that button type and all the previous text/label overrides are preserved.

Thanks in advance! 🙂

Hey Bruno, thank you for reaching out! I was not able to replicate this issue on my end. I will investigate internally what might be causing this. In the meantime, could you share a copy of your file with us?

Hi @Gayani_S, thanks for replying 🙂

I’m attaching a demo file

Overrides bug.fig (268.6 KB)

Hi again 👋

Any news on this @ Gayani_S? 🙂

Hey Bruno, apologies for the delayed response! Not sure if this is what you’re after but it looks like you made an override to your instance to it is expected to change. You can reset the instance to restore the properties of the main component by choosing to reset the entire instance, or just a specific property. More information you can find in this article: Hope this helps! If it doesn’t and I’m totally off here, please feel free to reach back out.
