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Hi all,

Our company uses a design studio to do the majority of our design, they have a full suite of Figma licenses. On the odd project it would be really useful for a couple of our team to have our own FigJam licenses so we can contribute on a regular basis (and benefit form having FigJam internally too)

My question is to edit the files our design company use, would we need to be on their organsiations licenses, or could we have our own organisations licenses and simply be invited to edit their files?

Hey @Ned_Lack, thanks for reaching out!

Billing is based on where the files live. If the files live on your team then you will be billed for any editors added from the other Org. The same goes for a file owned by another Org. If you are invited to a file on a different team, then that Org will then be billed for your Org’s editor roles.
