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The first time someone visits a page, I want a modal to pop up that briefly explains how this section works… kind of like a tiny tutorial. I don’t want it to show up on subsequent visits though.

I have the frame open the overlay of the modal window on a delay. That’s easy. But how do I get it to NOT call the overlay if someone navigates to this page a second time (ie returning after the tutorial)?

This would be very useful for illustrating the difference between a path of a first time user and an established user without having to duplicate the ENTIRE PATH of all frames with tutorial elements attached.

Does this exist? If not this would be hugely helpful to anyone using Figma for product demos.


I am struggling with the exact same problem. Did you ever find a solution to this? Would love to hear it!

Hi. I think I may have a solution for this using conditional and variables.

  1. Create a boolean variable and set it to true.


  2. On your after delay event on the page, instead of open overlay immediately use conditional variable regarding the boolean variable you created.

3.On the second page, create an after delay event on it and set the boolean variable to false.


After doing the, it should look something like this:
