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Haven’t empirically measured this - but after like 20-30 minutes of using Figma Slides, interactions get so slow. From the cursor recognizing what it’s hovering over, to changing properties, moving elements around. it gets fucked.

Hey Will, welcome to the community and thanks for the feedback. The performance issues you’ve described don’t sound expected.

  • Does this seem to impact just one specific file, or do you see it happen across all Figma Slides files?

  • Are you using the desktop app or browser version? If you switch between the two, do you notice any difference? Could you also try opening your file in an incognito window to see if this helps at all?

If the issue still persists, please reach out directly to the support team by filling this form so they can have a deeper look at your issue: here

Be sure to use your Figma email account, provide a direct link to the file (if it happens to a specific file), and invite with “can edit” permission, and please also share a screen recording of the slow performance in Figma Slides so the team can investigate it further.

You might want to try optimizing your file by reducing the number of layers or elements, or checking if there are any unnecessary effects that could be taxing your system.
