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Hi Community,

I have a question for those of you working with multi-level complex interfaces.

I’m currently managing files with around 90 pages. We’re wrapping up v1 and starting on v2. My question is about handling the handover and versioning processes. It seems like Figma isn’t designed to meet large organizational needs, as the version history applies to the entire file rather than individual pages. This means that every time we hand over a feature and create a baseline in version history for development, it affects the whole file.

We can’t consolidate all features into one page because navigating and locating specific features would be challenging. On the other hand, having each feature in its own file would complicate navigation and result in an overwhelming number of files to manage, especially since this is just one part of the company.

Would you recommend using branches to create features and then merging everything?

Does anyone have good experiences or best practices to share?


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