Hey all,
I just started out using Figma. I stumbled upon a problem with the hover interaction and I feel like it’s due to how I setup my project. Please don’t mind the styling and layout, I’m just trying to test the prototyping function.
Link to prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/Djk6hpxlDubWcKWT8GM8Ln/Untitled?type=design&node-id=1-2&t=5PtwsjsYHfIIak38-0&scaling=contain&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=1%3A2
Link to design file: https://www.figma.com/file/Djk6hpxlDubWcKWT8GM8Ln/Untitled?type=design&mode=design&t=aGsyBpD3nt9pj9a6-0
What I would like to do: Make the section that is being hovered over expand and from there on have the ability to hover over the “shrunken” items and make them expand as well and have the other two items shrink
What I currently have: Sections are expanding properly but only as long as I stay inside of the original shape’s dimensions which the hover interaction has been applied to.
Due to this it’s kind of “skipping” when transitioning between two of the sections.
Hopefully some of you kind people can help me with this. Furthermore, it is my first time posting here so if there are any issues with how I phrased my question / created the topic please let me know.
Thanks in advance 🙂