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Holding down the Z-key should persist the MAGNIFYING GLASS ICON, to keep it showing (in place of the mouse-cursor ARROW icon) but it doesn’t. Instead, the MAGNIFYING GLASS ICON vanishes, and is replaced by the cursor-ARROW icon. But clicking continues to invoke ZOOMING.

Please fix.

Hey @Chen_John, thanks for flagging this and apologies for the delayed reply!

Holding the Z key keeps the magnifying glass cursor on my end using a macOS on the desktop app and the browser (Chrome). Are you still seeing this issue?

If so, what OS are you using? And is this happening in the desktop app or browser? If a browser, which browser?

thanks @dvaliao, that seems to have been fixed as I am unable to replicate the issue now. before, there were “dead areas” in the Figma app window that ignored the z-key-is-pressed condition.

Thanks for that context, @Chen_John!

Glad to hear that it’s working as expected again. Please do let us know if you run into any further issues though.
