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Hello! The prototype of my designs on Figma seems to be glitching and I am not able to fix it. My designs are perfect but when I test the prototype there are weird grey lines in the frame. Is there a way to fix this?

Hi @Tvisha_Mehta,

It would be helpful to see the prototype you are working with to see if we can replicate this. If you can, please share a copy of your file here , or directly to our support team here. Thank you!

Hello @celine_doan, sure, here is the link to my prototype.

Figma – 14 Apr 23

Thank you for sharing your file! After reviewing your file, the issue is not about the prototype because I can’t see any glitch. (see above my screenshot)

Actually, GPUs have known bugs and may cause rendering glitches when using Figma.

I recommend you to check the Figma browser requirements here:

If you are still running into issues, please reach out to the support directly for help, the technical team can have a deeper look at it here.

I’ll check that out! Thank you 😀
