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Hi Figma Community,

I’m experiencing an issue with font rendering in my Figma prototype, and I could really use some help!

The font is Apple DS Gothic Neo (an embedded font)

The font looks fine when I’m designing, but when I view the prototype, the text appears distorted or uses a different font entirely. I’ve tried clearing my cache, restarting Figma, and even reinstalling the font, but the problem persists.

Has anyone else faced this issue before? Are there any specific settings I should check, or is there a workaround? I’d appreciate any advice or suggestions on how to resolve this!

Thanks in advance! 🙏

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out. It sounds strange! I think you mean Apple SD Gothic Neo, and I tried to test it on my end. It seems to be working fine.

These kinds of strange font issues are nearly always caused by the use of conflicting font files across your team. This means that editors on a file are using different versions of the font with slightly different sizing or spacing which then affects the file each time it is opened by someone with a different version.

Our Help Center has more information about resolving this kind of issue: Manage conflicting fonts

We suggest that you have all editors remove these fonts if they are locally installed. Then please ask all editors to install the same version locally. After doing so you will need to restart Figma to serve the correct font version.

If this is affecting component appearance you can launch quick commands (cmd /) then use the “Regenerate all instances” tool to refresh all of your instances at the same time.

Can you try above? If the issue persists, could you reach out directly to the support team with a copy of your file: Our support team will look into it.

Please make sure you use the email associated with your Figma account, include links to the file in question, and share access with Don’t worry, inviting us to view your file won’t impact your billing.



Thanks for your response, Toku.

I’ve attached a screenshot showing what I encountered yesterday. Since this is my personal Figma project, I’m the sole editor of the file. I’m currently using this prototype for my portfolio.

The screenshot was taken directly from the prototype link in my browser. I’ve been working on this file for over a month, and I set the font correctly at the start. Up until now, I haven’t experienced any issues like this.

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for sharing the screenshot! It definitely looks very strange. Could you share the proto file link with access to please? We want to test if this happens on our end. Adding the support link won’t impact your billing.



Thanks, Toku.

I just tried to write to but got a delivery failure notification from gmail.

Is there any other email address where i can send the link to?

Thanks in advance,


Sorry for the unclear message. We want to ask you to add to your file as following. Then, please share the URL by choosing “Copy link”.

Hope this clarifies it!



Hello Toku, I keep experiencing the same issue. I noticed that it is mainly on Chrome.

I attach another screenshot to give you the idea of what it looks like.

In the meanwhile i have added (it seems i was only able to give it viewing rights, unsure that would be enough?). I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks

Hi there,

Thanks for flagging again! Could you share the file link please?


Hello Toku,

I think you shave received an invite to that address?

Is there a way to share the file link privately?



Hi there, is there an update on this? The exact thing is happening to me too. Thanks!

Hi there,

Unfortunately not at the moment. Could you submit a bug report detailing the steps that led to this issue? You can do so by following the link:

Figma Learn - Help Center


