Hello. I’m trying to store and log the amount widgets on the page using findWidgetNodesByWidgetId
(API docs) but the output is coming up empty. I want to see in the console how many are on the page and store the widget ID’s and position.
I can correctly log the individual widget API upon click but seemingly not store them or log. Can anybody see what’s going on?
const { widget } = figma;
const { Text, useSyncedState, AutoLayout, useWidgetId, useEffect, usePropertyMenu } = widget;
function DotWidget() {
const ccount, setCount] = useSyncedState("count", 0); // Placeholder array and function to handle counts
const widgetId = useWidgetId(); // I get a deprecated warning on 'useWidgetID' for some reason.
// Logs the Widget ID upon mount
useEffect(() => {
console.log(`Current Widget ID: ${widgetId}`);
// I have 2 functions to find and count the widgets on the current page:
// Function - Uses 'findWidgetNodesByWidgetId()' which recommended by the Widget API but it doesn't find any widgets
const findWidgetsAsync = async () => {
await figma.currentPage.loadAsync();
const widgetNodes = figma.currentPage.findWidgetNodesByWidgetId(widgetId);
console.log(`Found ${widgetNodes.length} widgets with ID ${widgetId}:`,
widgetNodes.map(node => node.id));
return widgetNodes;
// Function - Leverages a Plugin API method currentPage.findAll(). This function works but is extremely slow
// const findWidgetsAsync = async () => {
// await figma.currentPage.loadAsync();
// const widgetNodes = figma.currentPage.findAll(node => node.type === 'WIDGET' && node.widgetId === figma.widgetId);
// console.log(`Found ${widgetNodes.length} widgets with ID ${figma.widgetId}:`,
// widgetNodes.map(node => node.id));
// return widgetNodes;
// };
// Exposes menu on click
itemType: 'action',
propertyName: 'findWidgets',
tooltip: 'Find Widgets'
// Shows an action with text 'Find Widgets' to run the function
async ({ propertyName }) => {
if (propertyName === 'findWidgets') {
figma.notify('Finding widgets...');
const allWidgets = await findWidgetsAsync();
console.log(`All Widget IDs on this page: ${allWidgets.map(widgetNode => widgetNode.id).join(', ')}`);
figma.notify(`Total DotWidgets: ${allWidgets.length}`);``
return (
<Text fontSize={16} horizontalAlignText="center">