Same problem. I can’t even open the file.
Same issue since two days (((
Спасибо за поддержку, но проблема так и не ушла. С провайдером все в порядке, скорость интернета высокая, и все прекрасно работало до 15 марта. Работать стало очень сложно, долго открываются окна, фигма так и не сохраняет изменения. И если эта проблема появилась не только у меня, то, скорее всего, проблема в самой программе.
I have the same problem with the provider.
Figma does not work, does not save file changes.
My Figma only works with mobile internet.
I have had the same problem since the 15th of March.
Sometimes Figma can save a file immediately, but often it lasts 5-10 minutes or even endlessly.
The only way how I can solve this problem is to enable VPN. Also, I can connect to mobile internet, in this case, the saving goes well!
I’ve tried to write to Figma support, but they answered that there are no problems on their side. They advised me to call my provider (by the way, my provider is Fregat). But the provider emphasizes that there are no restrictions on Figma and everything must work well.
Now I don’t know what to do. It isn’t convenient to switch to VPN or mobile internet constantly.
If you know more, reply to me!
It doesn’t work autosave and usually saves on the desktop and browser versions of the app.
I’m located in Ukraine. Use the desktop version of the application and cannot save changes in the file. Some time cannot open my file. The app shows me a message “The document has unsaved changes. Figma will continue to try auto-saving your work.” and nothing happens…
I’m trying clear cache, update and reinstall my Figma app but it doesn’t help me. I cannot work.
I’ve had the same issue since March 15th. Also for some reason couldn’t upload files to Slack. The issue came from my ISP, I called them and explained what’s wrong and they fixed it.
Maybe you know, what the problem was? And how did ISP fix it?
They didn’t provide any details 😦
Could you help me?
Figma stopped saving files. Does not save files Desktop version and Browser version. Before that, it was impossible to reinstall the Desktop version. Logged in four times. Checked on three computers. All have the same problem. There are no viruses on the computer! All other programs work perfectly. Internet is stable. The problem is on your side. How to solve this issue?
I Have the same issue with the Ukrainian provider Fregat.
I have the same issue Figma doesn’t save, doesn’t sync and open super slowly files, says that there are some unsaved changes but doesn’t sync, just freeze and nothing happens for hours. If I work with other files I can see it is offline disconnected again and again, but the internet is ok and it works, ping is ok. Provider Fregat. Ukraine. I can’t send my work to client and continue project. Need Help!
UPD: I’ve had no issue for a couple of hours and now it’s back. As I mentioned earlier, I also had troubles with Slack and when my internet provider fixed something on their end, everything started working well. Slack is still running smoothly, while Figma shows the same message about unsaved changes. So now I’m wondering if something is wrong with Figma itself…
There is no problem with my provider, but I have got the same issue with autosaving today! Could you fix this? Autosaving takes 15-20 minutes and I can`t save to version history as well :((
I had applied a beta-version feature and after that, I got the autosaving issue((
I have the same problem in Ukraine. The desktop app was reinstalled twice. Browser version doesn’t work too. Other applications and programs work properly online. The connection is stable. My provider has checked the “Trace route”, the signal flows well from my computer and in another direction. Please, fix this problem with unsaved files. How can I go on working normally? What solution can you offer?
I solved it. Message your ISP provider and after that everything is working stable. I describe my problem and asked them to help. Maybe in my case, it works, but in any other case won’t work.
My provider describe the message with the problem.
“Добрий день.
Через один з міжнародних операторів трафік на ці ресурси мав втрати. Наразі ми трафік перенаправили на інші мережі, а цьому оператору написали листа на вирішення проблеми.”
So, as we can see the problem on side of international traffic operators.
Hi 👋
I’m based in Portugal and I’ve been facing this or a similar issue since a few days ago, I’m not sure of the exact date.
Every time a merge a branch to Master, I get the Clod icon “The file has unsaved changes.”
Closing and opening the Tab solves it but sometimes I lose work! This is far from ideal…
I don’t think this is just a Ukraine issue. I’ve been getting the unsaved changes message on various files for several days – and I’m in Iowa. The status sometimes fails to correct itself, even when changes are in fact syncing between Figma desktop and Figma browser. I sent a network log along to support.
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