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Hello. My problem is that all my projects older than 3 months have disappeared. There are only a few that were created a year ago, but none that I made during the year. I definitely didn’t delete them, they are not in both my accounts, they are not in the “deleted” section, I set it to “Created by anyone”, it did not help. I still have links to them, but a window opens with the text “This file may have been deleted, moved or made unavailable”. I am the owner of these files. I couldn’t find any answers on the Internet, I also can’t send a letter to support, they write to me “There was an error processing your request. Please try again later.”

Please share the urls so I can take a look.

Hey @Victoria_Surkova, sorry to hear this!

Are you able to share the URL links? We can check what’s happened on the back end.

Here are a few of them:

First link

Second link

Third link

Thanks, @Victoria_Surkova!

It looks like all of these files were associated with vixseeu’s team, which was trashed on Aug 15th, 2024. We sent a team deletion email on August 15th, as well as a reminder email with a restore link before permanent deletion last month.

Since it’s already been a full month since the team was originally trashed in August, there’s no way to restore the team or files at this point.

This is weird because I was moving projects to a new team and the email said there were no files in the vixseeu’s team so I didn’t need to restore it

Hey @Victoria_Surkova, sorry for the confusion that this caused!

I confirmed with the team that when a user’s Team is trashed, the files and drafts within it are also deleted. And while files within a project are accounted for when a Team is trashed, drafts associated with the team are not included in the file count.

I completely understand how confusing this must have been, so our team has already made a change to the email copy to prevent this from happening again for you or anyone else.

That said, we’re having our team look into the possibility of still being able to restore your drafts from this team. Hoping for the best - I’ll follow up as soon as I get an update! 🤞

I hope for the best too, I will wait for news and thank you! 🤞

Hey @Victoria_Surkova,

I got confirmation from the team that we can transfer the drafts from vixseeu’s team into another existing team on your account.

Which existing team on your account do you want to have these drafts moved into?

Hey, that would be great! My current team is called “Victoria Surkova”. I use a Google account to log in to Figma gredacted]


Thanks, @Victoria_Surkova!

I sent this over to the team for your transfer request. Please note that I also redacted your email above for your privacy. I’ll follow-up once the transfer has been completed.

I’m incredibly grateful to you and your team! All my projects have been restored, this is very important for my portfolio. I’m so happy and it’s all thanks to you! 😍 💛

You’re welcome, @Victoria_Surkova!

So happy that the team was able to successfully restore your projects! 🙂 ❤️
