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  1. I created a Figma slide deck based on the default “Basic/Light” template.

  2. I customized the font styles (e.g., Title, Header 1, Header 2), replacing the default “Inter” font with a different typeface.

  3. After making these changes, I published the modified deck as a new template.

  4. Here’s where things get weird:

    4a.When I create a new deck using the “Use in new deck” option from the published template, the deck appears in Drafts with my custom text styles intact (Title, Header 1, Header 2, etc.).


    4b. However, if I create a new deck directly from the template gallery, the font styles are labeled as “Custom” rather than the original names (Title, Header 1, Header 2, etc.).


It seems like the custom text styles aren’t being fully retained when published, causing inconsistent behavior between methods 4a and 4b.

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