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Yesterday I suddenly got logged out of the Figma app and have been unable to log back in. I’ve uninstalled the app and still when I open it up and click on either login or signup, I get the error message “Something went wrong, please try again later.”

Has anyone else dealt with this??

I was logged out of Figma after i installed to the most recent update a few days ago and haven’t been able to login to ay of the apps. I get a wrong password error, but i have been using a password manager for years so i know it is correct.

I encounter the same issue, app ver. 23.7.1 on Android 12. After installing the app and pressing “Log in to Figma”, I get an error message “Something went wrong, please try again later.”

Did anyone find a solution to the problem?

I am also going through the same issue…I got logged out of Figma mirror for no reason…I can’t login…🤦‍♀️t4:

Same for Me, did you solve the problem? 😓
