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Hello, Figma Community!

This is the official thread for the tool for transferring Figma layouts to the Unity3D game engine.

With this asset, you can transfer your layout from Figma to Unity Canvas in few clicks!

Here you can leave your feedback/suggestions/questions about working with my asset.

I’ll be glad to answer your questions!

Available in the Asset Store.

New release | Version 3.1.10


• Bug with the addition of extra images that are white.

Starting from version 3.1.16, the Figma Converter for Unity has gained support for importing using Nova UI!

Nova is a new kind of UI framework made for Unity developers, designers, and creators. It combines professional-caliber design tools, a comprehensive runtime API, and modern UI features such as rounded corners, borders, drop shadows, auto sizing, padding, margins, and more, into a familiar transform and prefab workflow. Written from the ground up using Unity’s Burst compiler and Jobs System to provide performance out of the box along with zero per-frame GC allocations across all features!

Unity Asset Store
