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Ultimate Goal

Arrange my team library file better by using auto-layout to group and add descriptions to components and their variants.


The auto-layout grouping/layer level is showing up in the asset panel breadcrumb, which adds one unnecessary level to click through to get to the assets.


Is there a way to format the frame or auto-layout layer to tell Figma to ignore that level when arranging the assets panel?

Have you found a solution or work around yet?

+1 have you found a solution?

+2, i need this so bad

Adding to the need for this.

I expected to add an underscore or asterisk to the beginning of a frame name to exclude it. But no.

Also looking for a solution to this. An example: I’m setting up some stock photography as components. I want them all contained in a frame so I can keep things organized, but then that frame adds an extra unnecessary click as I try to access those components from a different file.


Still needing a solution for this as well.

I’ve wanted to be able to do this since I started creating Figma libraries almost three years ago. I would suggest making this a feature request except that Figma’s roadmap seems completely arbitrary and doesn’t give consideration to even highly-requested features (then closes the thread automatically). Maybe if it gains some traction here someone will notice.

I found a workaround! Grouping components with section without a name will not mess up asset hierarchy.
